
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about fat

The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about fat

Shining the light on body FAT and it's admirably essential role in our everyday well-being

Taking a blurb from my weight loss eBook (about me losing 20lbs of weight in one week), I highlight body fat, something that a majority of us have been conditioned to not think too fondly of.

Fat is an essential bodily tissue. Fat is found in the limbs and torso regions of the body, just between the skin and the bones. Fat, in its healthy form, makes for healthy bones. Fat functions to provide lubrication for the body, supporting, protecting and preserving our bones. Fat acts as an internal air conditioning and heating system for our bodies, producing sweat as a byproduct to cool us down when our bodies get too hot and expanding to its full capacity to insulate and keep us warm when our bodies get too cold. Fat is a symbol of love and warmth and, without fat, our bodies feel forever cold (and our minds are simultaneously flooded with cold thoughts, cold emotions and cold feelings). Fat is literally necessary for our vitality and fat deserves our utmost love and appreciation for its active support and functionality in our overall health and well-being.