Lose weight while you improve your digestion with Pavanamuktasana, Wind Removing Pose

Tone up your tummy and promote naturally healthy digestion, assimilation and elimination with yoga <3

Yoga for weight loss, digestive system support and a tighter core with Wind Removing Pose (Pavanamuktasana)

In addition to understanding the factual truths about human dietary nutrition so that we can eat the right foods for weight loss, we can also practice certain yoga poses that will help us to naturally lose weight.  One of the easiest, most soothing yoga poses for weight loss is Pavanamuktasana, aka Wind Removing Pose, which massages the ascending, descending and transverse colon and allows us to eliminate any excess gas from within our digestive system.  With the elimination of excess gas, wind removing pose helps us to in turn naturally absorb more nutrients from the food that we eat while improving the functions of our liver, kidney, spleen and pancreas.  See the instructions for each part of Wind Removing Pose below and, if you would like any additional help with the pose and weight loss in general, send me a message and we can schedule a call to discuss further.

How to do Pavanamuktasana, Wind Removing Pose

Ascending Colon (right leg)

  1. Lying on your back, with both hips and shoulders flat on the floor, first bring your right leg up and hold your right knee just below your knee cap with a nice, ten finger grip

  2. Relax both your shoulders on the floor and keep them there

  3. Begin to pull your right knee down towards your right shoulder, avoiding your rib cage (but not too far outside of your body because you still want to feel a pinch in your lower right hip/ascending colon area)

  4. Make sure your left leg is straight with your left calf muscle touching the floor (if your left calf muscle is not touching the floor, flex your left foot)

  5. Keep your chin down towards your chest to stretch the back of your neck and, bring your elbows close to your body while still keeping both shoulders relaxed on the floor

  6. Pull your knee down harder with your biceps and consciously use your breath – fill your stomach up completely as you INHALE (feeling the pinch in your lower right hip area) and as you EXHALE, pull your knee down further towards your shoulder

  7. Then, with form, slowly bring your right leg down

Descending Colon (left leg)

  1. Now, with both hips and shoulders still flat on the floor, bring your left leg up and hold your left knee just below your knee cap with a nice, ten finger grip

  2. Relax both your shoulders on the floor and keep them there

  3. Begin to pull your left knee down towards your left shoulder, avoiding your rib cage (but, again, not too far outside of your body because you still want to feel a pinch in your lower left hip/descending colon area)

  4. Make sure your right leg is straight with your right calf muscle touching the floor (if your right calf muscle is not touching the floor, flex your right foot)

  5. Keep your chin down towards your chest to stretch the back of your neck and, bring your elbows close to your body while still keeping both shoulders relaxed on the floor

  6. Pull your knee down harder with your biceps and consciously use your breath – fill your stomach up completely as you INHALE (feeling the pinch in your lower left hip area) and as you EXHALE, pull your left knee down further towards your left shoulder

  7. Then, with form, slowly bring your left leg down

Transverse Colon (both legs)

  1. Now with both arms and legs on the floor and palms facing up, bring your both legs up and grab your elbows over the legs, a couple of inches below the knees with nice tight grip giving yourself a big bear hug (please note: if you can’t yet grab your elbows, establish a nice firm grip wherever works best for you, on for the forearms, wrists or by the hands – just make for a nice grip)

  2. Keep your feet together side-by-side AND relaxed with your chin down, head on the floor, shoulders relaxed and your eyes open

  3. Engage your bicep muscles as you hug your knees closers towards your chest with your nice tight grip

  4. Using your conscious breath, feel the compression in the core, center part of your body as you INHALE and with each EXHALE, engage your biceps even more as you hug your knees together even more

  5. Hold it and maintain the depth of the posture as you consciously breath in and out

  6. With form, release both legs to the floor, heels touching and feet fall out to the side with both palms facing up close by the sides of your body

  7. Take a nice complete INHALE to let your stomach rise and fill up fully then breath all the air out completely as you EXHALE, just floating away into the floor and letting everything go

Practicing Wind Removing Pose (Pavanamuktasana)

Wind Removing Pose is such as easy, rather effortless pose that can truly be done on your own schedule as you see fit to but, it is best to warm up and prepare your body prior to practicing Wind Removing Pose.  To effectively warm up your body, you can do 3-5 sets of Sun Salutation Pose (aka Surya Namaskar) followed by 1-2 sets of Wind Removing Pose.  For private yoga lessons or just yoga specific questions, you can send me a message (I'm a certified yoga teacher with a love and passion for the healing practice and provide private yoga lessons online).